Life's a Journey....Strive for Balance Coming Soon:The Balanced Life Tours

Life's a Journey....Strive for Balance Coming Soon:The Balanced Life Tours

Life's a Journey....Strive for Balance Coming Soon:The Balanced Life ToursLife's a Journey....Strive for Balance Coming Soon:The Balanced Life ToursLife's a Journey....Strive for Balance Coming Soon:The Balanced Life Tours

Let me help you find balance and happiness in your life through Health and Wellness coaching or with The Balanced Life Tours


The Balanced Life Health and Wellness

At it's core, The Balanced Life is a Health and Wellness company looking to inspire and support transformational life change. As a practicing physician, Dr. Rosas is taking his experience in the Medical Field and journey in life and is looking to inspire and encourage change for people to become the best version of themselves. 

Dr. Rosas is board certified in Family Medicine and is currently a practicing physician in the Emergency Room. His journey in medicine has taken him from medical school, residency and an MBA in Healthcare Leadership in Kansas City, Missouri, to Hawaii to complete a Geriatric Fellowship, and then back in Missouri to practice for a few years and now in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona.  Through this varied and unique experience, years of training, and tens of thousands of patient encounters he has helped heal, treat, and touch many lives. Even though he has found great satisfaction in this he is looking to circle back to his original mission of wanting to help others; not just when they are sick and ill and end up in his Emergency Room but when they want to become healthier and move toward thriving versus just surviving.

He is expanding into coaching and the Health and Wellness space to further connect with people outside of the exam and emergency room and empower others to make lasting conscious change.

Human Potential Coaching facilitates this change as it puts the client in the driver seat to take control of his or her life and upgrade their mind, body, and energy.

Human Potential Coaching encompasses:

  • Life Coaching
  • Health Coaching
  • Personal Development Coaching
  • Performance Coaching

The Balanced Life encourages this change through 5 main areas


The balanced life : the 5 Spokes to the wellness wheel


Self Love



Food and Nutrition


Self Love



Not just exercise...but purposeful movement

Self Love

Self Love

Self Love


If you can't take care of yourself, how can you take care of others



Self Love


What is your purpose in life?





Play helps find balance in our busy lives

Is coaching for YOu?


What is coaching?

So wikipedia says.....Coaching is a form of development in which a person called a coach supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance.

In my eyes, I'm sitting shotgun as you continue your journey in life. In this seat we don't focus on the past or what is behind us like a therapist or counselor may do. Likewise I don't prescribe a path or direction for you to take as a physician may do, you are the expert (specialist) on you and your life; the answers are within. My job as a coach is to to help you uncover and mine these gems and help support, motivate, challenge, and celebrate with you on your journey. At times I may just sit and be present with you on your journey. At times your journey is on your own....either way i'd be honored to sit in that seat with you and see where your journey goes as your Coach

Do you find yourself overwhelmed? Or searching for Balance?

Balance is dynamic always requiring attention depending on the situation both planned and unplanned. Our society normalizes our over stressed, over notified world. As a coach one of my goals is helping you with this feeling when your day degrades to putting out fires on multiple fronts....home stress, kids stress, spouse stress, me I'm a Doctor there's another way

What did your tolerate today?

Life is too short to tolerate things. Let's explore this so you can move towards tolerating life to living life.

Are you in healthcare, burned out and jaded?

Through my own life experience I've lived this story and seen the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. I'd love the opportunity to help you reconnect with your passions and purpose within healthcare.

Do you struggle with work/life balance?

The struggle is real and I'm here to help you rise above and find that elusive balance in your life.

Do you tell yourself i'll be happy when?

As your coach happiness and balance are something I personally value and strive for. I would love the oportunity to help you achieve that in your life.

Contact Us

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Feel free to reach out for any questions

Contact me to learn more about how we can work together, I'm also available for speaking engagements and opportunities . 

The Balanced Life Health and Wellness

(816) 200-7552


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Dr. Rosas can discuss personal health and wellness issues and principles with his clients. However, while Dr. Rosas is a licensed practicing physician, as a coach he will not diagnose, prescribe care or treat his clients. Coaching is not meant for the purpose of providing medical or psychological diagnosis or treatment, and is not intended to be a substitute for appropriate medical or psychological care, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have a medical or psychological condition, it is recommended that you see your own licensed physician or healthcare professional for evaluation and treatment of that condition