Fuel: food & nutrition


We live in a period of overinformation, fad diets and magic pills

Paleo, Keto, Macros, Bulletproof, Intermittent Fasting, Whole 30, etc....As your coach I can help navigate through this crowded area and potential misinformation and find an actionable plan to help you reach your Health and Wellness Goals

There is no one size fits all when it comes to a diet or magic pill to sell

If there was... I'd be packaging it up and selling it to you right now. I've been on the other side being pitched and trying the new diet being peddled by the celebrity on late night TV or the hot new social influencer on IG. When I was struggling with my own weight, I've been on the yo yo and have now seen the power of conscious, lasting change. As your coach I can help you construct a lifestyle change that help your reach your goal.

We need to be eating real food

Our standard American diet is full of food created in a lab that has hacked our bodies to crave more and more and more of it but leave us nutritionally depleted and unsatisfied. Have you ever looked at the ingredient list on some of the food being peddled to us today; as a coach I can help navigate this world of "healthy" and "unhealthy" foods to help fuel the best version of yourself.

I am a Recovering Fast(Faux) Food Connoisseur

Being a busy full time ER physician I had all the drive thrus memorized on my commute. I was your ideal consumer too hurried and a slave to the constant advertising thrown my way during times of stress and depleted willpower. When I found myself too tired to make healthy food choices I found myself in the drive thru live ordering that comfort food to feed my cravings.

While working in the ER I definitely emotionally ate, hurried and without abandon. Down the hatch went countless pieces of pizza, cake, and whatever leftovers were brought down from the Hospital for the workers on the front line. Armed with this experience and the effects it can have I can relate with those struggling with standard American diet and difficulty in making good choices despite all the temptations we are faced.

As a coach I will help you find your FUEL to your Health and Wellness goals