
As children we were told to go outside and PLAY

Do you remember the joy and lightness you felt the first time you rode a bike or played in a pile of leaves, the wind in your hair, the feeling of floating as you cruised around your neighborhood, the feeling when jumping into that pile of leaves you had been working on? 

When was the last time you experienced this?

As adults this has been replaced with countless, mindless and sometimes soul crushing tasks. 

Get outside, enjoy the weather, do something you love

For some this may be hiking, reading, painting, walking with a loved one, whatever it is 

In short....go play and don't come home until the sun goes down

As your coach I can help you find or reconnect with playtime

This may be as easy as reconnecting with a hobby or playing with your children or pets. Whatever it is as your coach we can explore this and see the benefits it can produce.